Monday, March 12, 2007

Flickr Photo Post

As you can tell, this is not an image taken at the Allen Public Library:) My digital camera is an antique by today's standards. After having a co-worker try last weekend to use her newer digital camera and no luck in having any of the computers recognize her drive,I decided not to bring my antique to work. I wasn't aware that Amanda's camera did work before I took this picture with my digital camera at home and uploaded it to my computer. I sent it as an attachment to my Yahoo account and the one here...just in case. I then created a Flickr account, uploaded my image, tagged it, added my blog to that account and sent the image as a test message. As you can see, there are many ways to upload images! There is a work around for almost anything:)
As a gardening enthusiast (both indoor and out) I thought I'd share a close up photo of one of my prized indoor plants! Enjoy.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Friday, March 2, 2007

7 1/2 Lifelong Learning Habits

Probably the hardest Habit is # 1, which is coming up with the end in mind. Why, I'm not quite sure. The easiest Habit is # 7... play. Lifelong learning is about playing. As adults, we sometimes forget that to play is also to learn and experience new things all the time, which is why I like to garden, I'm always learning something new.

From the Gardening Enthusiast

Spring is in the air and daffodils and tulips are emerging. Time to think of planting seeds for the Summer garden.

What a beautiful time of the year!