Monday, March 12, 2007

Flickr Photo Post

As you can tell, this is not an image taken at the Allen Public Library:) My digital camera is an antique by today's standards. After having a co-worker try last weekend to use her newer digital camera and no luck in having any of the computers recognize her drive,I decided not to bring my antique to work. I wasn't aware that Amanda's camera did work before I took this picture with my digital camera at home and uploaded it to my computer. I sent it as an attachment to my Yahoo account and the one here...just in case. I then created a Flickr account, uploaded my image, tagged it, added my blog to that account and sent the image as a test message. As you can see, there are many ways to upload images! There is a work around for almost anything:)
As a gardening enthusiast (both indoor and out) I thought I'd share a close up photo of one of my prized indoor plants! Enjoy.

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